Lost Captain Rescued in Tavern

Many an angler reported missing at sea has been "found" in a waterfront tavern.  A retired Coast Guard friend says he knew exactly which taverns to call when a worried spouse reported a missing fisherman.  A discreet conversation with the barkeep often confirmed the lost one was perched on a bar stool, perhaps with a new friend, and feeling no pain.

Before launching a search, the Coast Guard might try to verify that the boat is actually missing.  They may walk out to the parking lot to see if the tow rig is there.  

The point is make sure you list the tow rig description and license number on your float plan.  That way your float plan holder can give those details to the Coast Guard, who can quickly check the parking lot, and determine whether it's a real emergency, or just another "tavern rescue."

This article orginally appeared in the Ocean Coach newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter to get great articles like this in your inbox twice a month. Become The Captain Everyone Trusts!


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