Short Form Rules of the Road

Boats run into each other all the time. The Coast Guard Rules of the Road exist to prevent such collisions.   Here's a plain-language starting point for learning the rules (I've taken some liberties for the sake of clarity.)

  • Don't Hit Stuff:  No matter what else the rules say, it's your job to prevent collisions with other boats.  Never insist on the right of way to the point of danger, even when it's rightfully yours.   Officially this is Rule 7 and 8 of the regulations.  But it boils down to common sense - don't hit stuff.

  • Boats Being Passed Have Right of Way:  When you pass another boat from behind, they have right of way.  Don't crowd them or cut them off as you pass.

  • You DON'T Have Right of Way Because you are Fishing:  There's a common misconception that a boat that's fishing has right-of-way.  This DOES NOT APPLY to our little boats.  It only applies to big commercial boats working nets or trawls. 

  • Change Course Early and Clearly:  If you have to change course to avoid a potential collision, make it a big obvious change so the other captain clearly sees what you are doing.  And do it plenty early.  It's like walking on a crowded sidewalk and avoiding bumping into people.

  • Might Makes Right:  You don't have right of way over tugs, barges and big ships.  They couldn't maneuver or stop if they wanted to. 

  • Boats Crossing your Starboard Bow Have Right of Way:  This is like the "yield to your right" rule at four-way intersections when driving a car.  In a crossing situation, if the boat is approaching from Starboard they are the "stand on" boat and they have right of way.  You, as the "give way" boat should turn and pass behind them, like in the diagram.  It shows courtesy and class to follow this rule.

This article orginally appeared in the Ocean Coach newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter to get great articles like this in your inbox twice a month. Become The Captain Everyone Trusts!


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